Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Well Jakob is finally up and walking. He is cruising around our house and getting better each day! Mark thought he never would, and I was actually praying for a few more months. But now he is even more mobile, and really good at climbing, and I will have a whole nother avenue of chasing to do. He was fast enough while crawling, and follows his sister everywhere. And Savanna isn't always the best example. Also in the keeping with this years "GOING GREEN" campain, I have been trying to cut back on energy costs and our renewable resources. I figured that if we don't use plates at dinner time and just eat out of the pan, therefore reducing the amount of times I have to run the dishwasher, that is keeping with the spirit of the whole thing. I have also started to rinse out Jake's disposable diapers. : )


Richard, Ashley and Ben said...

Yay he's walking! That is SO cute! Your "going green" is so great. Let me know how the disposable diaper rinsing goes. Maybe we'll try that. Do you also let it get full to maximum capacity? I would think that saves too. Mmmm. Love you guys! Ashley