Monday, November 17, 2008

I made Jakob a cowboy hat cake for his birthday. Every time I lifted him up to see it, he would try singing Happy birthday. Well I left the room for a minute and he climbed up on the counter and the cake looked so good he had to take a handful of it. I was going to fix it before the party, and then I decided that it was only fitting that Jake's cake had a Jakey handful taken out of it. The little thing he is sitting in and then wearing on his head is a cowboy hat "cooler". Fill it with ice and soda cans. Unfortunatly it didn't last past the loving of Jake, or it came with holes in it, one of the two. We didn't get to use it for his party.


Jacqui B said...

You have so much fun with your kids. You know it makes the rest of us look bad. Lol.... Thanks for sharing though. I miss you!