Friday, April 3, 2009


Okay, so my mom told me that the poo pictures were a little to shocking for the family blog, and I agree, I will post no more poo, and hopefully not have any reasons to!!! In order to redeem my little handsome boy, here is his 2 year old pic taken in November. He is so adorable. This sweet little boy and angelic face is one of 3 that keeps me going through all that may cross my path. I love this boy. He is my little handsome! He loves Scooby doo, which he calls Stuey Doooooo. And he loves to take me by my finger and lead me to what ever it is that he wants. And he doesn't take no, or in a minute for an answer. He can give the best alligator face ever, and then a smile that would rival the sun for it's brilliance. We love Jakob Legrand RAiney!


Toodles said...

awww... what a little sweetie!! That face could charm anyone who looks at it! It does shine a different light on him then the poo picture did...hehe! Don't we all have a pooy side though (okay, maybe some are pooier than others)!