Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Well Jakob is finally up and walking. He is cruising around our house and getting better each day! Mark thought he never would, and I was actually praying for a few more months. But now he is even more mobile, and really good at climbing, and I will have a whole nother avenue of chasing to do. He was fast enough while crawling, and follows his sister everywhere. And Savanna isn't always the best example. Also in the keeping with this years "GOING GREEN" campain, I have been trying to cut back on energy costs and our renewable resources. I figured that if we don't use plates at dinner time and just eat out of the pan, therefore reducing the amount of times I have to run the dishwasher, that is keeping with the spirit of the whole thing. I have also started to rinse out Jake's disposable diapers. : )

Monday, January 28, 2008

Well we finally have some cold weather here. It was 32 all day and rainey. We got some good ice cycles, and on the playhouse it looks like snow, but it is really just pockets of frost. My palm tree looked cool though, and the kids had fun eating ice cycles. I know, I know acid rain and all, but I survived and I ate snow, and all manner of gross things.

He's just always into something.........

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Well, not much to report this week. Mark has been on the road pretty much every day in the 2nd half of January so it's just me and Savi and Jake all day with a dose of Audrey in the evenings. So we do our best to keep from boredom. Like putting the kids in the laundry sorter and racing around the house. They thought it was fun! And of course Jake pulling out the file cabinet, emptying it's contents and getting in for a spell. I mean really, what else is it for. He couldn't quite get his little leg back out though and needed some help. Savi's funny for the week is this: Apparently she hears me say "Oh crap" occasionally so she dropped one of her toys and said "Oh Cwap". I said, while not successfully hiding my laughter, that we shouldn't say crap. So she said it again..."Oh Cwap" I said Savi we shouldn't say Crap. She says..."I not sayin cwap mom, I sayin' OH cwap. They get smarter every day. So Audrey tells her she should say holy cow instead. Well she caught on to that but now we have holy cow, holy sheep , holy pig and what ever barn yard animal seems to fit the situation. Gotta love the 2 year olds! Have a great week!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Starts around 6:30 in the morning. Wake, eat breakfast, have a bath, bug mom while she checks her email by stealing the mouse. Crawl to see what Savanna is up to and pick up a stapler on the way, try to staple something. Try like crazy to get on top of the table before mom catches me. Take morning nap. See that she left the fridge open while making lunch, crawl in and try to find an appetizer. get mad when mom makes me get out of fridge, go straight to the garbage can and take the lid off and try to find an appetizer there instead. Take afternoon nap and then decide there must be something I can get into under the guinea pig table where mom keeps his food and stuff. Practice walking, eating fallen scaps from lunch or dinner, play with daddy when he comes home. Try to steal Savanna's toy, but realize that she is still bigger and can move faster. Try to get onto the table again while mom isn't looking. Get mad when she moves you and go for the garbage again. Finally getting tired he decides to cuddle with the ever-thwarting mom and curl up for the good nights sleep that will enable him to have the energy to GO GO GO tomorrow. What a life huh??

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I don't know why it seems Audrey is never around when I am taking pictures. It seems I am just putting up pics of Savi and Jake, but we love Audrey and I will be tracking her down for more pics. Savi was once again showing us her fashion sense with a toga Audrey made for her and her new princess shoes from Grandma and Grandpa Rainey. Then they were having fun in the tub. We have a bubblehawk, and the wonderful little bubble bum pic of Jake. Everyone needs a cute nakie bum picture to put in the highschool yearbook! Have a great week! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!