Monday, December 28, 2009


It has been fun having Mark in town to play with the kids. Him and Jake played dress up, and they have been playing Marks Cabella's Big Game Hunt 2010 almost every day shooting deer, and ducks, and bears. Jake loves it! Also we had some people in our ward give us this cool cookie and candy Choo Choo train, and Savanna and Jakob had fun "disassembling" it. We have a lot of fun here in the Rainey house...because life outside our house is to full of other junk, so we gotta keep it Light and Loving inside!

More Christmas morning

There is a rare moment of sisterly love, and Jakob "slicing up Savanna's new kitty amidst the screams from Savi", and mom's total delight in opening up her gift from Mark, the entire box collection, ALL 9 SEASONS, of X-Files! (I had been asking for it every year since we have been married and he finally came through) : )

Jakob got some BOY dress up clothes, i.e. ARMY and SWAT, and Savi got a kitty that purrs, and licks it's paws and blinks. Audrey's favorite was a book she was wanting and the 1st season of the tv show Psych.


Christmas morning, Jakob woke up early and couldn't wait to get his sister's up outa bed and tell them that Santa came. Actually Mark and I were up before any of the kids and were excited too. : ) The kids had fun opening presents and even Elvis got a santa gift... G Force the guinea pig secret agent movie. We had homemade sticky buns with potato cakes and bacon. Love Christmas morning! Favorite day of the year!


Christmas eve dinner consisted of: Fondue with sirloin steak, terryaki chicken, and shrimp in veggie oil and fresh vegetable broth. We had homemade sauces that were Thai Peanut, cocktail, and roasted red pepper sauce for dipping. Then we had Heather's AWESOME sweet potatoes with crunch topping, green bean bundles wrapped in bacon, cheesy potato souffle, and homemade rolls. Our friends the Loggins and the VAclaws came to enjoy the yummy dinner and some games that followed. The guys even pitched in and helped do the dishes!


Christmas eve pictures under the tree. They are so different this year than last! I am not hiding behind the kids like I was last year. I even said "Wait Mark, get one from the side". No I am not becoming vain, just proud of my 78 pounds gone! Mark is down 50! And the kids, well they are just cute and happy!

We had lots of fun in the dayz leading up to Christmas! When Matt and Heather were here, the kids made a gingerbread house, and salt dough ornaments. Mark was wrapping presents one day and Jake was "helping" a little to much, so Mark wrapped him! We called it his Christmas Camoflage. You can see him blending into the tree in one of the pics!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Mark and I got all dressed up for his Murphy Oil Christmas party. It was a great diner, and we got to chat with friends and even won an iPod! We really enjoyed the evening!


Audrey was an elf in her 6th grade school play The Buckaroo Express, a spin off of the Polar Express. She did a really good job with her lines and singing. It was a very fun time. I also painted Audrey's room in lime green with red, yellow, and white accents. The little saying on the wall reads "Be yourself, everyone else is taken". So perfect for an up and coming teenage girl! It turned out really cute though.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Chilly day fun

I bundled up the kids and sent them outside one day last week. The weather here is so confused sometimes. It's warm and then cold and then warm again. Oh well, our cold in Arkansas is not as cold as Montana. = )

This is Mark showing off his new hotness: ) He tried on his old Murphy Oil jacket and it was just hanging on him. He is down 50 pounds. We are very proud of each other! Also our cute Audrey and Jakob's new little habit of shredding wipes and placing them very deliberatly in a mosiac style picture on our couch. It's kinda cute, but he wastes ALOT of wipes, and then I find little dried up pieces of wipes ALL over the place. Makes a big mess. We now have to keep them on the top of the entertainment system.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A rare quiet moment when the kids we just chillin' watching Sponge Bob.