Monday, December 10, 2007

Well, it's that time of the year for the infamous family portrait! I thought ours actually turned out pretty good this year! You can go ahead and rib us for the Rainey university shirts, yes, a tid bit dorky, but hey they made a cute picture. We didn't even goose Jake or anything. He does the "touchdown" pose all the time. Usually when he is eating. Then the food flies and he usually puts them on top of his head after this and gets food all over in his hair. Good thing he is cute, and I have a decent sprayer on the kitchen sink. He doesn't particularly like that part, but hey... Anyhow, we are just getting ready for this most excellent Christmas season and looking forward to all the celebrations! We have already been to two Christmas parties and have a few more lined up! Here's hoping that your holidays are wonderful! Love, us!


amy said...

cute cute cute! your pictures turned out so good!!!

Richard, Ashley and Ben said...

Oh my gosh! These are so stinkin' cute! Jake is stealing the show in the best way possible! He looks like he's saying,"THE RAINEEEEYYS!"