Monday, March 17, 2008

Audrey won 1st place in the 4th grade science fair in Biological Science catagory. She did so good and I was so proud of her. Her project showed how our positive and negative thoughts can actually affect the environment around us. She planted seeds in 3 different pots, one for positive, one for negative thoughts, and a control pot. Every day she would pick up the love pot and think happy sweet thoughts to it, and sing and tell it how beautiful it was. Then she would do just the opposite with the hate pot telling it it was ugly and stupid. The love pot grew 96% and the hate pot grew 65%. The control pot only grew 42%. It was a fun experiment and it earned her first place and she got to go to the regionals and spend the day at the college in Magnolia, Ar. It was a great experience for her.