Monday, March 17, 2008

SNOW DAY!!!!! They say it happens about every 4-5 years, where southern Arkansas sees some snow. Well we saw snow that day my friends! It was soooo exciting! They sent all the kids home from school at 11:00 and my friend Kristen was sent home from her work, and so the kids all played together with the neighbor kids, and Kristen and I played some cards and dice, and we drank hot chocolate, and mini marshmellows, and we felt like we were back at home in Montana. It was a day to remember. Audrey couldn't remember how to make a snow man, and she was pretty bummed about that, but other than that what a fun day. Jakob's winter jacket was borrowed from a friend, and he made us laugh thinking of Christmas story because he couldn't move his arms. In fact he fell and couldn't catch himself and bonked his head pretty good. And poor Savanna had the flu and couldn't go and play in the snow. I felt so bad for her. But all in all we had a pretty cool 24 hours!