Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's the big number 3 for Savanna! She just had her birthday, and these are some of the highlights. She asked for a horsey birthday cake, and I just really don't like Storebought cake or frosting, so I always opt to make the kids cakes for them. I was a little stumped by how to do a horsey cake, but this is what I came up with. It's actually brownies from scratch with homemade frosting and a carosel horse from the imaginings of Natalie. She had lots of friends over, and got a bubble blowing BBQ from G&G Israel, a new puppy pal, a big barbie book, a sleeping beauty umbrella, and some Barbie movies. From mom and dad, she got a new Dora bike which she affectionatly calls her "Backpack motorcycle". All in all she had a great day, and had lots of fun with her friends and fell asleep on the couch when Audrey and she sat down to watch Alvin and the chipmunks. I don't think she even made it through the opening credits. With binkies, and diapers left behind in the year of 2, she has a bold and excited new outlook for the upcomming year of 3!


amy said...

happy birthday little gymboree girl! She looks so cute in her little outfit! LOVE the cake, I am impressed!!! wish we could be there for the party. we miss you!!!