Monday, April 21, 2008


In light of all the recent injuries at our home in the past week... i.e.... Jakobs giant gooseegg (which is still there by the way) Savanna tripped and fell into the cabinet and has a black eye and little cute on her eyebrow, and Audrey was running around the corner and botched the turn and has a big bruise above her eye now.....I have implemented a few manditory saftey measures which include, but are not limited too: 1. Helmets, even when just sitting on the couch and watching "Pun Budge" (Sponge bob in Savi lingo) 2. Cages which can be used anytime we need an extra hold on Jakob. You can see we made it smaller, for added safety as this restricts his movement greatly. And 3. Seat belts when just walking around the house, like the one Audrey is wearing. I am hoping this will help to keep our doctor's visits to a minimum, and keep the heads of my sweet children from swelling or discoloration. I'll keep you posted on how it works.